BBC:Први светски рат

Part 1: Race to Arms

Race to Arms

Part 2: Under the Eagle (1914)

Under the Eagle (1914)

Part 3: Global War 1914 to 1916

Global War 1914 to 1916

Part 4: Jihad (1914 to 1916)

Jihad (1914 to 1916)

Part 5: Shackled to a Corpse (1914 to 1916)

Shackled to a Corpse (1914 to 1916)

Part 6: Breaking the Deadlock (1915 to 1917)

Breaking the Deadlock (1915 to 1917)

Part 7: Blockade (1916 to 1917)

Blockade (1916 to 1917)

Part 8: Revolution (1917)

Revolution (1917)

Part 9: Germany's Last Gamble (1918)

Germany's Last Gamble (1918)

Part 10: War Without End (1918 to 1919)

War Without End (1918 to 1919)
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