Питер Хедер

Питер Хедер је ирски историчар и медиевиста чија су истраживања сконцентрисана углавном на позну антику, варваре и варварске државе настале на територији Римског царства након његовог распада.

Биографски подаци

Питер Хедер је рођен 1. јануара 1960. године у Северној Ирској. Студирао је на Мејдстоуну (Maidstone Grammar School) и Њу Колеџу у Оксфорду (New College, Oxford). Предавао је историју на Лондонском универзитету и Универзитету Јејл као и на Вустер колеџу у Оксфорду. Од јануара 2008. године држи Катедру за средњи век на лондонском Кингс колеџу. Поред доцентског рада, професор Хедер је такође и аутор одређеног броја књига на тему позне антике, варварских племена као и пропасти Римског царства.



  • Emperors and Barbarians: Migration and Development in the First Millennium, (MacMillan, 2009, у припреми)
  • The Fall of the Roman Empire: a New History of Rome and the Barbarians (Oxford University Press, 2006) (преведено на немачки, италијански, шпански, португалски, грчки, пољски, руски и корејски)
  • Philosophy, Politics and Empire in the Fourth Century: Select Orations of Themistius, translated Texts for Historians у сарадњи са Д. Монкуром (Liverpool University Press, 2001)
  • ed., The Visigoths from the Migration Period to the Seventh Century: an ethnographic perspective (Boydell and Brewer, 1999)
  • Goths and Romans 332-489, Oxford Historical Monographs (OUP, 1991)
  • The Goths in the Fourth Century, у сарадњи са проф. Џ.Ф. Метјузом (Liverpool University Press, 1991)

Чланци и поглавља

  1. Recent Approaches to Ethnicity in the Early Middle Ages, in P. Geary et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Bergen Conference on Identity in the Middle Ages (Leiden, forthcoming 2008).
  2. Merely an Ideology? – Identity in Ostrogothic Italy, in S. Barnish (ed.), The Ostrogoths from the Migration Period to the Sixth Century (London, 2007).
  3. Goths in the Roman Balkans c.350-500’, in A. Poulter (ed.) The Transition to Late Antiquity on the Danube and Beyond (Oxford, 2007), 163-190.
  4. Christianity and the Vandals in the Reign of Geiseric, in J. Drinkwater & B. Salway (eds), Wolf Liebeschuetz Reflected (London, 2007), 137-146.
  5. Roman Diplomacy and the Gothic Problem 376-418, in S.G. Bersani (ed.), Romani e barbari: Incontro e scontro di culture (Turin 2004), 141-59.
  6. Roman and Goth in the Kingdom of the Ostrogoths, in H.W. Goetz et al., Regna and Gentes (Brill, 2003), 86-134.
  7. The Late Roman Art of Client Management & The Grand Strategy Debate, in W. Pohl and I.N. Wood (edd.), The Transformation of Frontiers from Late Antiquity to the Carolingians, Proceedings of the Second Plenary Conference, European Science Foundation Transformation of the Roman World Project (Brill, 2001), 15-68.
  8. The Western Empire 425-76’, Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XIV (Cambridge University Press, 2000), 1-32.
  9. State, Lordship, and Community in the Early Medieval West, 400-600 AD, in A. Cameron et. Al. (eds), Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XIV (Cambridge University Press, 2000), 437-68.
  10. The Creation of the Visigoths, in P.J. Heather (ed.), The Visigoths: An Anthropological Perspective (1999), 41-72.
  11. Ammianus on Jovian, in D. Hunt and W. Drijvers (eds.), The Late Roman World and its Historian:Interpreting Ammianus Marcellinus (Brill, 1999), 105-116.
  12. The Barbarian In Late Antiquity: Image, Realities, and Transformation in D. Miles, ed., Constructing Identities in Late Antiquity (Routledge, 1999), 234-258.
  13. Signs of Ethnic Identity: Disappearing and Reappearing Tribes in W. Pohl (ed.), Strategies of Distinction: The Construction of Ethnic Communities, 300-800, (Brill, 1998), 95-111.
  14. Themistius: A Political Philosopher, in M. Whitby, ed., The Propaganda of Power: The Role of Panegyric in Late Antiquity, (Brill, 1998), 125-150.
  15. Goths and Huns 320-425, in A. Cameron and P. Garnsey (edd.), Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XIII (Cambridge University Press, 1997), 487-515.
  16. Senates and Senators, in A. Cameron and P. Garnsey (edd.), Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XIII (Cambridge University Press, 1997), 184-210.
  17. Contribution to ‘SO Debate: The World of Late Antiquity Revisited, Symbolae Osloenses 72 (1997), 48-52.
  18. Frankish Imperialism and Slavic Society, in P. Urbanczyk (ed.), Origins of Central Europe (Warsaw, 1997), 171-190.
  19. Late Antiquity, in Companion to Historiography, ed. M. Bentley (Routledge, 1997), 69-87.
  20. Fourth-Century Foedera and Foederati, in W. Pohl (ed.), Kingdoms of the Empire (Brill, 1996), 85-97.
  21. Theoderic King of the Goths, Early Medieval Europe 4 (1995), 145-173.
  22. The Huns and the End of the Roman Empire in Western Europe’, English Historical Review 110 (1995), 4-41.
  23. State Formation in Europe in the First Millennium A.D., in B. Crawford (ed.), Scotland in Dark Age Europe, St. John's House Papers No.5 (St. Andrews, 1994), pp.47-70.
  24. New Men for New Constantines? Creating an imperial elite in the eastern Mediterranean, in P. Magdalino (ed.), New Constantines: the Rhythm of Imperial Renewal in Byzantium, 4th-13th Centuries (Variorum, 1994), pp. 11-33.
  25. Literacy and Power in the Migration Period, in A.K. Bowman and G. Woolf (eds.), Literacy and Power in the Ancient World (Cambridge Univeristy Press, 1994), pp. 177-197.
  26. The Historical Culture of Ostrogothic Italy, in Teoderico il grande e i Goti d'Italia, Atti del XIII Congresso internazionale di studi sull'Alto Medioevo (Spoleto, 1993), pp. 317-353.
  27. The Emergence of the Visigothic Kingdom, in J. Drinkwater and H. Elton (eds.), Fifth Century Gaul: A Crisis of Identity?, (Cambridge University Press, 1992), 87-97.
  28. Cassiodorus and the Rise of the Amals, Journal of Roman Studies 79 (1989), 103-28.
  29. The Anti-Scythian Tirade of Synesius' De Regno, Phoenix 42 (1988), 152-72.
  30. The 2000th Year of Gothic History and Theoderic's Intervention in Visigothic Spain, XXXIV Corso di cultura sull'arte Ravennate e Bizantina (Ravenna, 1987), 171-8 (summary).
  31. The Crossing of the Danube and the Gothic Conversion. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 27 (1986), 289-318.
  32. Christianity and the Vandals in the reign of Geiseric in J.Drinkwater & B.Salway (eds) Wolf Liebeschuetz Reflected (London, 2007) pp.137-146
  33. Roman Diplomacy and the Gothic Problem 376-418 in S.G.Bersani ed. Romani e barbari: Incontro e scontro di culture (Turin, 2004) pp. 86-134
  34. The Late Roman Art of Client Management: Imperial Defence in the Fourth Century West in Walter Pohl, Ian Wood, and Helmut Reimitz, eds., The Transformation of Frontiers: From Late Antiquity to the Carolingians (Brill, 2001), pp. 15-68
  35. The Western Empire 425-476 in Cambridge Ancient History vol XIV (Cambridge University Press, 2000) pp. 1-32
  36. State, Lordship and Community in the Early Medieval West (c.AD 400-600) in Averil Cameron, Bryan Ward-Perkins, and Michael Whitby, eds., The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume xiv, Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600 (Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 437-468
  37. The Creation of the Visigoths in P.J. Heather ed. The Visigoths: An Anthropological Perspective (1999) pp.41-72
  38. Ammianus on Jovian in D.Hunt and W.Drijvers eds. The Late Roman World and its Historians: Interpreting Ammanius Marcellinus (Brill, 1999) p. 105-116
  39. The Huns and the End of the Roman Empire in Western Europe, English Historical Review cx (1995), pp. 4-41


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